@article{oai:kobe-tokiwa.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000010, author = {足立, 了平 and ADACHI, Ryohei}, issue = {記念特別号}, journal = {神奈川歯学, Journal of the Kanagawa Odontological Society}, month = {Mar}, note = {Over 900 disaster-related deaths were identified in the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake, which were characterized by the following features: 1) The leading cause of death was pneumonia (24%); 2) The majority of victims were older adults. Pneumonia that occurs in times of disaster is considered to be mostly aspiration pneumonia. The extremely limited water supply following a major disaster hinders oral and denture cleaning, leading to an increase in oral bacteria. Consequently, those with decreased immunocompetence, i.e. older adults, are more likely to die due to aspiration pneumonia. To prepare for future disasters, we need to build a system to decrease the disaster-related death toll utilizing past experience. Oral care is an excellent way to prevent pneumonia in older adults. Oral care after a disaster should be considered as protecting the lives of older adults against pneumonia, and all older adults in a disaster area should be regarded as a population at risk for pneumonia. Furthermore, education and awareness programs for oral care as well as widespread practice of oral care should be implemented at ordinary times in preparation for times of disaster.}, pages = {18--21}, title = {大規模災害における口腔保健の重要性 – 関連死を増やさないために –}, volume = {50}, year = {2015}, yomi = {アダチ, リョウヘイ} }