@article{oai:kobe-tokiwa.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001108, author = {破魔, 幸枝 and 浅枝, 麻夢可 and 原, 久美子 and HAMA, Yukie and ASAEDA, Mayuka and HARA, Kumiko}, issue = {13}, journal = {神戸常盤大学紀要, Bulletin of Kobe Tokiwa University}, month = {Mar}, note = {The psychology of self-affirmation is said to be affected by an individual’s relationships with others. This study examined adolescents to see whether their self-affirmation is subject to their “public self-consciousness,” which is a form of self-consciousness towards others. Assuming that the experience of a n on-the-job training affects students’ self-consciousness, we examined students at our department in the university to determine whether there were any relationships between self-affirmation and self-consciousness. Before the on-the-job training, we identified significant correlations between self-affirmation and “public self-consciousness.” During and after the completion of the training, significant correlations were found between self-affirmation and “public self-consciousness,” and between self-affirmation and “private self-consciousness.” Our findings suggest that the formation of self-affirmation was affected by “public self-consciousness.” Moreover, it was associated with “private self-consciousness.”, 自己肯定感は、他者との関係性により影響を受け変化すると言われている。本研究は、対象として青年期に、自己肯定感が他者への自意識である「公的自意識」により影響を受けるかどうか検討したものである。本学科学生を対象に、自意識に対して影響を与える要因を臨地実習の経験とし、自己肯定感と自意識の変化が関連するかどうかを解析した。臨地実習前は自己肯定感と「公的自意識」、臨地実習中と実習終了後は自己肯定感と「公的自意識」「私的自意識」に、各々有意な相関がみられた。自己肯定感の形成に、他者への自意識である「公的自意識」が影響することが示唆された。さらに、「私的自意識」も関連することがわかった。}, pages = {93--99}, title = {青年期における自己肯定感と対他者との意識に関連する要因の検討}, year = {2020}, yomi = {ハマ, ユキエ and アサエダ, マユカ and ハラ, クミコ} }