@article{oai:kobe-tokiwa.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001147, author = {松元, 英理子 and 坊垣, 美也子 and 杉山, 育代 and 澁谷, 雪子 and 高松, 邦彦 and 中田, 康夫 and MATSUMOTO, Eriko and BOHGAKI, Miyako and SUGIYAMA, Ikuyo and SHIBUYA, Yukiko and TAKAMATSU, Kunihiko and NAKATA, Yasuo}, issue = {14}, journal = {神戸常盤大学紀要, Bulletin of Kobe Tokiwa University}, month = {Mar}, note = {Kobe Tokiwa University is currently undergoing various reforms, one of which is competency-based education. Our university has developed a common evaluation indicator called "Tokiwa competencies," which students can acquire through regular, quasi-regular (or remedial), and extra-curricular (or club/volunteers) activities. The purpose of this study was to investigate what competencies students bring up, and how they bring up after the entrance of the university. We performed text-mining analysis of a report assignment from the specialized subject, "Advanced Medical Technology Demonstration," which is one of the third grade and second-semester practicums in the department of medical technology, faculty of health sciences, Kobe Tokiwa University. The result shows students could acquire competencies of cooperation & collaboration, media literacy, presentation, and professional expertise through regular and extra-curricular (or volunteer) activities., 本研究は、2017年度から本学で始まった臨床検査技師教育におけるコンピテンシー基盤型教育(CBE: Competency Based Education)に関して、コンピテンシーの育成を意図した3年次後期専門科目で課したレポート課題の分析を通して、その様相を明らかにし、臨床検査技師教育におけるコンピテンシー基盤型教育の今後の課題について明らかにすることを目的とした。解析の結果、学生は、コンピテンシーは初年次から3年後期までの正課内の実習・授業のみならず、正課外のボランティア活動を通しても伸ばすことができたと認識していることが明らかになった。}, pages = {47--57}, title = {臨床検査技師教育における学生のコンピテンシー育成 : コンピテンシーの育成を意図した3年次後期専門科目で課したレポート課題の分析から}, year = {2021}, yomi = {マツモト, エリコ and ボウガキ, ミヤコ and スギヤマ, イクヨ and シブヤ, ユキコ and タカマツ, クニヒコ and ナカタ, ヤスオ} }