@article{oai:kobe-tokiwa.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001219, author = {中村, 忠司 and 工藤, 達也 and 松田, 恭兵 and 戸谷, 富江 and 内橋, 一惠 and 中田, 康夫 and NAKAMURA, Tadashi and KUDO, Tatsuya and MATSUDA, Kyohei and TOTANI, Tomie and UCHIHASHI, Kazue and NAKATA, Yasuo}, issue = {16}, journal = {神戸常盤大学紀要, Bulletin of Kobe Tokiwa University}, month = {Mar}, note = {The global pandemic caused by the novel coronavirus disease has had an enormous impact on society and people's lives. To bring the pandemic to an early end, various activities have been undertaken not only by the World Health Organization and other international organizations and national governments but also by local governments and the public and private sectors. Since its establishment, Kobe Tokiwa University suffered from the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake has focused on society and community contribution activities as one of the university's missions and has been working in an autonomous, proactive, and continuous manner. During the pandemic, the university and local government collaborated to implement social and community engagement activities such as: (1) commissioned work at a children's space at a large-scale vaccination site in Kobe City, (2) vaccination in the workplace through collaboration between academic faculty and administrative staff, (3) vaccination support at a large-scale vaccination site in Kobe City, and (4) activities by students to prevent new types of coronavirus infections. This paper discusses society and community engagement activities through cooperation and collaboration among universities, local governments, and private sectors in the event of an emergency based on the specific details of these activities., 新型コロナウイルス感染症による世界的パンデミックは、人々の暮らしに甚大な影響を及ぼした。このパンデミックの早期収束に向けて、世界保健機関などの国際機関や各国政府のみならず、自治体や公的私的レベルにおいてもさまざまな活動が行われてきた。阪神淡路大震災で甚大な被害を被った神戸常盤大学は、開学以来、大学の使命の1つである社会(地域)貢献活動に注力しており、これまでも自律的・主体的・継続的に活動してきた。今回、コロナ禍において自治体・民間の連携・協働により、①神戸市大規模接種会場キッズスペース受託業務、②本学を会場とした大学拠点接種、③神戸市大規模ワクチン接種会場における接種支援、④学生による新型コロナウイルス感染症防止活動、といった活動を実践した。本稿では、その具体的な実践内容をもとに、有事の際の大学と自治体・民間の連携・協働による社会(地域)貢献活動をなし得るための要諦について論考する。}, pages = {160--170}, title = {阪神淡路大震災で被災した神戸常盤大学独自のコロナ禍における社会(地域)貢献活動 : 平時からの自治体・民間との連携・協働に基づく成果}, year = {2023}, yomi = {ナカムラ, タダシ and クドウ, タツヤ and マツダ, キョウヘイ and トタニ, トミエ and ウチハシ, カズエ and ナカタ, ヤスオ} }