@article{oai:kobe-tokiwa.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000450, author = {井本, しおん and 松田, 正文 and 森松, 伸一 and IMOTO, Shion and MATSUDA, Masafumi and MORIMATSU, Shinichi}, issue = {2}, journal = {神戸常盤大学紀要, Bulletin of Kobe Tokiwa University}, month = {Apr}, note = {Novel influenza A (H1N1) outbreak in Mexico was reported on April 25, 2009, and soon spread worldwide. In Japan, the first case of domestic infection was reported from Kobe City on May 16. The health control committee of Kobe Tokiwa University took several actions to prevent infection outbreak. The University was closed from May 18 to May 23. During this period, protective equipments such as gargles, alcoholic hand wash sprays and face masks were installed, and health conditions of all students were individually surveyed by faculty staffs. All the students were requested to check body temperature before going to school, and if febrile, report to the health control committee. The first case of influenza A infection in Kobe Tokiwa University was reported on August 31. The number of infection cases gradually increased and amounted, in total, from August 31 to December 12, to 104. As seasonal influenza infection may overlap the novel influenza A (H1N1) in winter, a further increase could be expected. Further preventive measure seems to be necessary., 4, KJ00008873559, 報告, Report}, pages = {23--33}, title = {新型インフルエンザに対する神戸常盤大学の取り組み}, year = {2010}, yomi = {イモト, シオン and マツダ, マサフミ and モリマツ, シンイチ} }