@article{oai:kobe-tokiwa.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000493, author = {山崎, 麻由美 and 福田, 昌代 and YAMASAKI, Mayumi and FUKUDA, Masayo}, issue = {8}, journal = {神戸常盤大学紀要, Bulletin of Kobe Tokiwa University}, month = {Mar}, note = {本稿は、歯科衛生士を目指す大学生の専門英語科目「医療英語」で導入された「グループ制作」の効果を報告するものである。学生たちは小グループに分かれて、「子どもたちに口腔の健康について教える」という課題に取り組んだ。そこで英語を使った紙芝居などの媒体を自ら考えて制作した。英語で発信をする制作物の作成過程で、学生たちは専門英語を学ぶことに対する不安が軽減され、発信することへの関心や意欲が高まり、自らの手で完成させたことに達成感を得た。またグループ内の学生同士の関わりや他グループの制作を鑑賞することで、学生たちは「相手の立場に立ってわかりやすく伝える」ことの重要性に気づいた。一方で、伝えたいことを英語で自由に表現することができないというジレンマを訴えた学生が多かったという問題点も出た。制作発表を終えた時点で、学生はそれぞれが抱える英語学習の問題点を認識することができた。, This paper reports effects of implementing cooperative learning in a course of English for specific purposes (hereafter, ESP) for first year university dental hygienist students. In the course, the students voluntarily formed a small group of two to five, and with the purpose of teaching children about oral health, each group created teaching aids, such as picture-story shows or puppet plays. As a result of working together, the students' anxieties about learning ESP seemed to be reduced, whereas their interest and motivation toward output seemed to be increased. In the students' post-activity reflections, the students reported feeling a sense of achievement with their fellow group members. Also, the interacting with fellow group members and the appreciating of production and performance by other groups seemed to make the students realize the importance of communication skills. The notion of audience dawned on the students, which resulted in their efforts to make their English easier and clearer for small children. Many of the students had difficulties in creating their production in English, however, and felt frustrated at not being able to express themselves freely. By the end of the group work every student reported becoming aware of her own problems in English learning, which included a lack of grammatical knowledge, vocabulary, and/or fluency., 12, KJ00009666719, 報告, Report}, pages = {85--95}, title = {専門英語教育にグループ制作を取り入れることの学習効果}, year = {2015}, yomi = {ヤマサキ, マユミ and フクダ, マサヨ} }