@article{oai:kobe-tokiwa.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000503, author = {多田, 琴子 and 後藤, 晶子 and 上月, 素子 and 光成, 研一郎 and TADA, Kinko and GOTOH, Akiko and KOZUKI, Motoko and MITSUNARI, Kenichiro}, issue = {9}, journal = {神戸常盤大学紀要, Bulletin of Kobe Tokiwa University}, month = {Mar}, note = {我々は一人の新任幼稚園教諭の教師力伸長に継続的にかかわった。短期間で教師力は身に付かない。我々が幼稚園教諭に継続的にかかわることで、幼稚園教諭の課題が明確になると考えた。一年目、幼稚園教諭の保育中の発語を分析した。新任幼稚園教諭は日々の活動に追われ保育の見通しをもつことが難しいという結果を見いだした。 二年目、我々は保育に参与しながら観察をする方法に切り替えた。子どもと観察者のかかわりを幼稚園教諭に見せた。さらに、参与観察後、文書で保育の意図や子ども理解の方法を示した。我々のかかわりから、幼稚園教諭の二年目の課題が明確になった。一つ、幼児理解に基づく先の見通しをもつこと。二つ、幼稚園教諭自身が自分の教師力を自覚すること。三つ、指導を肯定的に受け止め、保育にうまく活かすことである。, We are continually concerned with a new kindergarten teacher to develop faculties which are essential to kindergarten teachers. It stands to reason that such faculties cannot be developed for a short time. We thought that our continuous observations of and conferences with him made various problems clear. In the first year, we analyzed his conversations with kindergartners in his childcare. The analysis proved that it was difficult for a first-year kindergarten teacher to have prospects for childcare. Because a first-year teacher is so busy to manage a lot of routine works. In addition to observing him, we began to participate in childcare with him in the second year. First, one of researchers practiced childcare with him. Then he observed how she practiced nearby. Also after that, we showed him the intention of childcare and the method of understanding kindergartners in writing form. Our engagement made it clear for kindergarten teacher's problems in the second year. First, he has to have prospects based on understanding for kindergartners. Second, he has to be conscious of his present faculties. Third, he accepts researchers' advices obediently, and he can make use of these advices in childcare., 9, KJ00010153880, 原著, Original Article}, pages = {63--70}, title = {2年目幼稚園教諭の職能形成をはかる 研究者のかかわりについて}, year = {2016}, yomi = {タダ, キンコ and ゴトウ, アキコ and コウヅキ, モトコ and ミツナリ, ケンイチロウ} }