@article{oai:kobe-tokiwa.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000902, author = {田中, 千晶 and TANAKA, Chiaki}, journal = {神戸常盤短期大学紀要, Bulletin of Kobe Tokiwa College}, month = {Mar}, note = {Today colloquial style of Kojiki, or Anthology of Japanese myths, is being published. It is similar to Kojiki adapted for children as well as works related to Kojiki. There are more than 120 different versions of Kojiki adapted for children in modern times. Not only those children's stories but also are there various other styles like drama, picture books and picture-card shows. We can say that Kojiki has been handed down from generation to generation in various styles. In order to promote the study of Kojiki adapted for children, in the first place, classifying and arranging various works by items are required. Therefore, in this paper, I made a bibliography of Kojiki adapted for children and of those works related to the Kojiki, which were published from 1868, the first year of Meiji Era to 1945, the 20^ year of Showa Era. I first classified broadly Kojiki and others, and then subdivided them by items. I hope that it will help the further study of Kojiki and juvenile literature., 10, KJ00004682589, 研究報告}, pages = {54--46}, title = {児童向け『古事記』等作品目録 <近代編>}, volume = {28}, year = {2007}, yomi = {タナカ, チアキ} }