@article{oai:kobe-tokiwa.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000932, author = {井本, しおん and 西郷, 勝康 and 坊垣, 美也子 and 松元, 英理子 and 後藤, 正徳}, issue = {1}, journal = {臨床病理 : 日本臨床検査医学会誌}, month = {Jan}, note = {Impairment of macrophage phagocytosis is a major cause of chronic inflammation. Bisphosphonates (BPs) are widely used as anti-osteoclastic agents. The effects of BPs on monocyte-macrophage lineage cells are being increasingly reported; however, the detailed effects of BPs on macrophage phagocytic activity are still unclear.We examined the effects of four BPs: clodronate as a non-nitrogen containing BP (non-N-BP), and pamidronate, alendronate, and zoledronate as nitrogen-containing BP (N-BP), on macrophage phagocytic activity.The uptake of high fluorescence-labeled polystyrene beads by the human monocytic cell line THP-1 was investigated by flow cytometry.All three N-BPs suppressed the phagocytosis of macrophages more potently than the non-N-BP, clodronate.Pamidronate and zoledronate were more potent than alendronate.BP induced the apoptosis of THP-1.Pamidronate and zoledronate induced apoptosis more effectively than clodronate. The method described to observe phagocytosis was simple and quantitative, and might be useful in screening for the effects of drugs, such as N-BP and non-N-BP, on phagocytic activity.}, pages = {23--30}, title = {ビスホスフォネートがマクロファージの貪食能に及ぼす作用の検討 : 高輝度蛍光ビーズとヒト単球系培養細胞株THP-1を用いた貪食能の定量測定}, volume = {62}, year = {2014} }