@article{oai:kobe-tokiwa.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000980, author = {桐村, 豪文 and KIRIMURA, Takafumi}, issue = {11}, journal = {神戸常盤大学紀要, Bulletin of Kobe Tokiwa University}, month = {Mar}, note = {In the law concerning the securing of opportunities for education equivalent to ordinary education at the stage of compulsory education (Educational opportunity securing law), established in Heisei 28, there was fluctuation of conservatism / liberalism during the deliberation process. In this article, we see a situation where the obviousness of “going to school” behind that fluctuation is questioned, and the roles that educational administration should fulfill in that situation are considered from the perspective of justice. In addition, I revealed the approach taken by this research as a step to clarify the actual situation and problems of the specially designated guidance classroom that should be a part of roles., 平成28年に成立した「義務教育の段階における普通教育に相当する教育の機会の確保等に関する法律(教育機会確保法)」では、その審議の過程で保守/リベラルの揺らぎがあった。本稿では、その揺らぎの背後に「学校に行く」ということの自明性がいま問い直される事態を見、本稿では、その自明性の危機の中にあって、教育行政が果たすべき役割を、正義の観点から考え直し、そのうえで、その一翼を担うべき適応指導教室の実態と課題を明らかにする、その一歩として本研究がとるアプローチを明らかにした。}, pages = {169--180}, title = {不登校とガバナンス(1)~身体のエビデンス論~}, year = {2018}, yomi = {キリムラ, タカフミ} }